I spotted this leaf in the fall. It caught my eye from 15 feet away, and I wanted it to catch the viewer's eye too. There was no way I could get close enough to it for a macro view without soaking myself or my camera. Picasa's focal black & white didn't capture my brain's perception. So, my better half gave me a crash course in Photoshop trickeration yesterday, and this was the first result. Thoughts?
L O V E this!!!! Im going to have to try this. Faboulous!
This photo is right up my ally, I love it....great capture...
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Very good! Definitely an eye catching image.
Really good! Congrats.
I like it. Certainly pops. :)
Excellent! I'd guess you desaturated everything except the red and then cranked up the saturation on that. Yes?
@Jacob, the color of the leaf is true. There was no adjustment of saturation in that regard. I created two layers in PS: one in black & white, one color. With the B&W layer on top, I erased the leaf, allowing the color to show through. I adjusted its opacity afterward to leave just a little of the original color showing through from lower (color) layer.
Thanks! I may have to give that procedure a try!
Here is the link to the original attempt in Picasa with a focal black-and-white. Not quite the same effect!
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